Release 4.0 

Bill Wise Details ?

Receivable & Payable (Outstanding Management System)

Using this feature, business owners can easily track bills for expenses, any installments to be paid or loan amounts to be received. ‘Bill wise Details’ hence can be used to track the details of any already made or due payments and also to generate payables or receivables reports with minimum effort.

इस Feature  का उपयोग करके, व्यवसाय मालिक आसानी से खर्चों के बिल, भुगतान की जाने वाली किश्तों या प्राप्त की जाने वाली ऋण राशि को ट्रैक कर सकते हैं

Method Of Adjustment In Bill Wise Details : 


New Ref

Agst. Ref.

On Account

Advance : 

This method is use to maintained where the nature of transaction of business demands advance receipts/ advance payments to be made and to track these when the business gets materialized at the time of raising of bill or invoice.

इस method का use तब किया जाता है जब एक व्यापारी दूसरे व्यापारी से advance receipts/ advance payments की मांग करता है ।

New Ref : 

This is used at the time of passing sales and purchase entries which will later serve for Against reference entries to be passed under Sundry debtors and creditors ledger.

उधार में किए गए लेने देने चाहे वह उधार खरीद का हो या फिर उधार बिक्री का, दोनो ही संदर्भ में हम New Ref. Method का उपयोग करते हैं।

Against Reference  : 

This reference is used when we pass receipt entries or payment entries against the references created at the time of passing of original entries such as sales and purchase.

इस method का Use हम तब करते है, जब हमें पहले से pending Bills को चाहे वह advance हो या new Reference को Adjust करना होता हैं I

On Account : 

when the party makes lump sum payment (a huge amount), you may not be aware against which pending invoices need to be adjusted or whether the amount constitute any partial advance receipt towards future supply. In these scenarios select On Account. So that the amount can be classified later.

जब कोई पार्टी एकमुश्त भुगतान (एक बड़ी राशि) करती है, तो आपको यह पता नहीं होता है कि किस Pending Bill को Adjust करना है या क्या राशि Advance में जायेगा । इस स्थिति में ऑन अकाउंट का चयन किया जाता हैं। ताकि बाद में रकम का वर्गीकरण किया जा सके.

Ledger Book Of Rj Pvt. Ltd. (Bill -BY-Bill Transaction) 
Purchase Goods from Rj Pvt. Ltd. Of rs. 50,000/- (invoice No. RPL23-24/0125)
Purchase Goods from Rj Pvt. Ltd. Of rs. 12,000/- (invoice No. RPL23-24/0130)
Pay Amount to Rj Pvt. Ltd. Of rs. 80,000/-(Agst :Pending Bills)
Purchase Goods from Rj Pvt. Ltd. Of rs. 21,000/- (invoice No. RPL23-24/0140)
Purchase Goods from Rj Pvt. Ltd. Of rs. 5,000/- (invoice No. RPL23-24/0152)

Ledger Book Of Ram Pvt. Ltd. (Bill -BY-Bill Transaction)
Sale Goods to Ram Pvt. Ltd. Of rs. 5,000/- 
Received Amount From Ram Pvt. Ltd. Of rs. 22,000/-
Sale Goods to Ram Pvt. Ltd. Of rs. 20,000/-  
Sale Goods to Ram Pvt. Ltd. Of rs. 3,000/- 
Received Amount From Ram Pvt. Ltd. Of rs. 50,000/- 


                              PART 2 :-

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